Privacy policy

We store on our servers the content that you upload or receive or maintain in your Silkscan product account. This is so you can use our products as intended, for example, to create artwork labels in Silkscan. We keep this content as long as your account is active. If you delete your account, we’ll delete the content within 60 days.

What we collect and why

Our guiding principle is to collect only what we need. Here’s what that means in practice:

Identity & access

When you sign up for Silkscan, we ask for identifying information such as your name, email address, and maybe a company name. That’s so you can personalize your new account, and we can send you product updates and other essential information. We may also send you optional surveys from time to time to help us understand how you use our products and to make improvements. With your consent, we will send you our newsletter and other updates. We sometimes also give you the option to add a profile picture that displays in our products.

We’ll never sell your personal information to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission either.

Billing information

If you sign up for a paid Silkscan product, you will be asked to provide your payment information and billing address. Credit card information is submitted directly to our payment processor and doesn’t hit Silkscan servers. We store a record of the payment transaction, including the last 4 digits of the credit card number, for purposes of account history, invoicing, and billing support. We store your billing address so we can charge you for service, calculate any sales tax due, send you invoices, and detect fraudulent credit card transactions. We occasionally use aggregate billing information to guide our marketing efforts.

Product interactions

We store on our servers the content that you upload or receive or maintain in your Silkscan product account. This is so you can use our products as intended, for example, to create artwork labels in Silkscan. We keep this content as long as your account is active. If you delete your account, we’ll delete the content within 60 days.

Refunds are decided case by case. Reach out and we'll work with you to make sure you're happy.

Website interactions

We collect information about your browsing activity for analytics and statistical purposes such as conversion rate testing and experimenting with new product designs. This includes, for example, your browser and operating system versions, your IP address, which web pages you visited and how long they took to load, and which website referred you to us. If you have an account and are signed in, these web analytics data are tied to your IP address and user account until your account is no longer active.

Security and Privacy

Your use of the Services is at your sole risk. We provide these Services on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

Voluntary correspondence

When you email Silkscan with a question or to ask for help, we keep that correspondence, including your email address, so that we have a history of past correspondence to reference if you reach out in the future.

How we secure your data

All data is encrypted via SSL/TLS when transmitted from our servers to your browser. The database backups are also encrypted. In addition, we go to great lengths to secure your data at rest. Most data are not encrypted while they live in our database (since they need to be ready to send to you when you need them)

What happens when you delete content in your product accounts

In many of our applications, we give you the option to delete content. Anything you delete in your product accounts will be removed from our database immediately.

Location of site and data

Our products and other web properties are operated in the South Korea. If you are located in the European Union, UK, USA or elsewhere outside of the United States, please be aware that any information you provide to us will be transferred to and stored in the South Korea. By using our websites or Services and/or providing us with your personal information, you consent to this transfer.

Changes & questions

We may update this policy as needed to comply with relevant regulations and reflect any new practices. Whenever we make a significant change to our policies, we will take any other appropriate steps to notify users.

Have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy, your data, please get in touch .


Create amazing exhibition experiences.


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